When I need to get out of town & clear my head, a favorite get-away is a road trip to the Madonna Inn, in San Luis Obispo, CA. Built by Alex Madonna in 1958, it continues to be run by his family, & has retained all the character from days gone by. Here's a sampling of photos from some adventures there...
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Lolly Squirrel
I ♥ the Madonna Inn!!! |
Entering the "Cabin Still" rock-room, on the ground floor of main bldg. 3. |
Copper still facsimile, in "Cabin Still" room. The reverse side is the rock shower... | |
Entering "Cabin Still" restroom/still. |
Water flows from this faucet still, into a rock-sink in the bathroom... |
Enjoying a refreshing rock cave shower in "Cabin Still". |
Blending with the decor, in the "Cabin Still" room. |
"Love Nest" room, a suite a-top building 3. |
Stairway to the steeple top inside "Love Nest" room. |
Almost to the top of steeple stairway, in the "Love Nest" room. |
The sky really does look like this. Above the Madonna Inn, bldg. 3. |
"Tall & Short" room, located off central stairway, bldg. 3. |
Irresistibly perch-able wall lamp, in the "Tall & Short" room. |
"Tall & Short" furniture feet look vaguely familiar... |
The "Paris Violets" room has light-up wall pictures! |
outer sleeping quarters, "Paris Violets" room |
I heart chartreuse. Pictured here, in the "Paris Violets" room. |
"Romance" room, located on the 2nd floor of building 3. |
Split level "Romance" room, with balcony bedroom in background. |
Loitering with a "Romance" room table base... |
Pink marble tabletops, as they should be ;). |
"Romance" room split-level balcony, overlooking sitting room. |
For parties, they have free balloons ;) - in the Madonna Inn Silver Bar. |